Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Haven't been catching much films recently so I've decided to torrent them ever since Tanya taught me how to use Vuze on my Mac. Not really good at these technology stuff but I'll try my best to keep up to date! 

The Dark Knight Rises, The Little Mermaid, Grease, Hairspray, Toy Story 1 & 2 are some of them which I've watched recently. More to come tomorrow :) Kinda excited to get into Film & Theory for next semester's module.

Also, I'm reading this book called 'Heaven is for Real' by Todd Burpo. It talks about his son Colton, aged 4, who went to Heaven and back for '3 minutes'. Colton's appendix had burst & he had to go for surgery immediately and it was during the surgery did he meet Daddy God. His innocence really captures my heart and makes me eager to read on! 'Everyone had wings, but mine were little' 'Jesus really loves kids' 'Jesus had a rainbow' 'He had the most beautiful eyes daddy!' Reading this was a great start to my day & it puts a smile on my face. Can't wait to be done reading this book!

Met up with my bestest, most greatest friend on earth - Natsy! Managed to grab yummy dinner from MOS burger, buy 3 notebooks for the price of $10 at Typo & had a great catch up session with her. Ever since we've gone our separate ways after Secondary school, we only manage to meet up once a month and so I treasure every moment with her! The best thing that happened today was during our conversation at MOS burger, she said 'I think God's going to make our lives better from now onwards.' and suddenly the song 'When you believe - Mariah Carey ft Whitney Houston' started playing and the lyrics are 'There can be miracles, when you believe' And just at that moment, you know God is talking to you. 

I love you Daddy God & I thank you for every possible thing in my life. 

And so much more to come :)

xx, debs

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