Monday, August 27, 2012


Took this before I left for my one and only exam paper last Friday, 24 Aug. It was to wish everyone the best of luck before their exams! Hang in there and press on for those of you who are still in the midst of their exam week, it won't be long before you guys will be able to smell your freedom!! 

Met J on Saturday and I would say it was the highlight of my week. I missed him so very much and I'm glad to say that things are a million times much better now! I messed up big time over the past few weeks and I'm glad he's decided to start afresh in the upcoming holidays. *big thumbs up* 

"It feels good to be home again" - J 

Church was simply refreshing today. The word was amazing and I really wished I had brought my friends to church to listen to Pastor's message. Mum told me once that we are brought to this earth to be 'Fisherman' of Christ, we have to bring 'Fishes' or our friends to know more about our wonderful savior, Jesus Christ, but I never felt as though I wanted to do that. I merely wanted a simple and happy life. But now, I feel the need to 'save' my friends and tell them more about this brilliant Daddy God! So don't mind me if I get all holy/religious, I just feel happy spreading this amazing grace that the Lord has given to me. 

Things I've learnt today - 

1. Our prayers are imperfect, but every time you said 'in the name of Jesus', it becomes a perfect prayer! 

2. God gave men free will. If God had stopped Adam & Eve from eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they wouldn't have free choice! But instead, he gives us free will so that in turn, he can send something/someone (his son Jesus Christ) to redeem us! 

3. If God doesn't want to give you something, don't keep wanting to take it. Receive from the Lord whatever he gives to you because he knows what you already need! If you keep taking/wanting something and use your own strength to get it, it might not be something positive & you will get hurt in time to come > you get frustrated > blame the Lord. So why use your own strength when you can simply wait upon the Lord to provide something amazing for you & all you have to do is to receive it!! 

Alright, I'm going to head to bed & look forward to the amazing 2 months holiday that I'm going to have! 

xx, debs 

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