Saturday, December 1, 2012


I may have just made one of the biggest decisions in my life, but somehow I feel alright. I'm not crying or sobbing my heart out, but instead I'm feeling rather calm. (that's what happened a few months ago, then after days later I broke down and I felt like an emotional wreck) 

Been really sick of the criticism/mocking I get recently, even if they're from my closest friends. It seems fine to them to diss each other once in awhile, but I can't seem to forget them. I do hold my grudges really tightly and that's definitely one flaw I'd like to correct. 

I'm totally entrusting Daddy God with all my life's decisions right now and I'm very sure he'll take care of every one of them too.

I know I won't be able to find someone as loyal as you, someone who'd sacrifice all that just for me and someone who can withstand my pettiness, jealousy and stubbornness. 

But I'm not going to try. 

I'm going to lead my life confidently and independently from now on. I'm not going to do it because YOU doubted me but it has been on my mind for awhile back and I think with the help of Daddy God, I'll be a-ok. 

My biggest impact in my polytechnic life is now gone so fill up this empty heart o'lord.


Been busy with housework recently because the maid's no longer around, mum's getting old & everyone else is busy with school or work. But I really hate how I come home & mum greets me with a frown, or better yet - starts nagging at me at how tired she is doing the laundry & no one gives a damn. I think that my family's pretty reliant on the maid. 

It's time I grew up & starting doing/contributing something for this family. Not to mention the financial difficulties we're currently having. Going to lay off from my shopaholic addiction for now & maybe go back to work once in awhile in December during the holidays. 

Work load has been piling recently. It sucks how as the weeks pass, so does the amount of information that we're gathering in school (duh!) but SG needs to take it down a notch :( 

Well, the washing machine's beeping now & it's time to hang the clothes g'night all and have a great December! 

PS: Christmas is coming, definitely a day to look forward to :)

 Here's a little something I learnt recently! Thank you Kris for teaching me :) 

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