Wednesday, February 27, 2013


My life is a roller coaster ride, constantly filled with ups and downs.

Each and every time I feel happy, something bad is bound to happen. It's like a devil, creeping at the corner waiting for the perfect time when I'd least expect it and bam, life decides to troll me.

Hate this feeling of animosity between friends. Hate how I'd chose to avoid it like a scaredy cat I am rather than to face it. It feels almost natural to shun the problem and just hide in my shell. I know it's not the logical thing to do but I am completely stripped of any ounce of confidence I have after what you said, the honest truth.

And so, now I just feel worthless. I don't even feel worth your forgiveness or a second chance. It's not ego or pride, but it just hurts so extremely bad when it comes from a close friend.

I don't blame anyone but myself.

It's time I start to be dependent and less reliant on friends for acceptance, comfort and happiness. Set my priorities straight and hope to be a better person in future.

Soul-searching begins once the clock hits 11.30 tomorrow, where I am freed from all my worries about examination and I can focus on changing my flaws.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


As corny as this sounds, spending time with you makes me happy :)

Friday, February 15, 2013


Say hello to the World's Cuddliest Bear - Sarpi :)

Happy Valentine's Day everyone

xx, debs 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


A daisy, in general, symbolizes innocence and gentleness. 

A white daisy symbolizes common love. 

"In Victorian times, young, heartbroken women who wished to be loved began a custom using the daisy. A young maiden would pluck a daisy's petals, one by one, and sing, "He loves me, he loves me not," as she pulled each petal. The last petal plucked would be the future of her relationship. This custom is still in use today."