Monday, March 18, 2013


"Ben, can you get me ice cream?" 

"Why?" "Are you sad?" 


"I'll get you a tub before I get back." 

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Finally went to satisfy my enormous craving for sushi with Kirby at Nihon Mura @ Tampines Swimming Complex. After the whole 2 hours of feasting on sashimi platters one after the other, I am proud to say that I no longer crave for them, in fact I might even stay away from them for awhile now.

Caught 'Ghost Child' to kill time and to test our 'wuss' level and yup we're definitely at puppy stage or below that. We peeked from our fingers, tried to block out the sound effects by covering our ears and didn't even buy popcorn - least we end up spilling it in case we get a shock. 

Conclusion: We're never going to watch another horror film, ever. 

Headed to IKEA afterward, not with the intention to queue for the 10 apiece meatballs but instead to pretend like we were in the show - '500 days of summer' and treat all the furniture like our home. I prefer vintage, white wood, pretty kinds of furniture while he has the liking for black, grey, stainless steel kind of interior. Pretended to brush our teeth in the toilets, hand each other clothes (they were on display) and cook in the kitchen, but I had to do the dishes.... 

Such a fun-filled day and I'm already looking forward to the other plans we have in future with you xx 

Trying to mimic Karen & Kaisen's snake image which they took at Sentosa! 

Friday, March 8, 2013




When bees flit from flower to flower the nectar sticks to their legs. The phrase "bee's knees" means sweet and good, because the knees of the bees are where the sweet and good stuff are collected.

You bought me coffee? You're the bee's knees! 

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Day by day, I get put down by people and yet people wonder "why girls feel so insecure? why are they so sensitive?" Well, that's where I think you should fucking stop, open your god damn eyes and realize that it started with you and your judgments.

I wish it's so easy to say 'screw you and your stupid comment' but I take it to heart and I assure you I'll never forget it.

So fucking hurt that my own friends are the ones that can like or comment on the picture, oh thanks for sharing it too by the way. Well go on, damage every ounce of little self-esteem I ever had.